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CS 66100 - Formal Compiling Methods | |||||||||
Credit Hours: 3.00. Application of concepts developed in formal language and automata theory to the design of programming languages and their processors. Models of syntactic analysis, including canonical precedence, LR(k) and LL(k) parsing methods and variants; efficiency of each. Synthesis techniques, including symbol tables, storage administration, parameter mechanisms, garbage collection; optimization considerations. Models of synthesis, including level, affix, attributed grammars; prospects of fully automating compiler design. Applicative vs. procedural languages and their implementations based on semantic definition of a language (LISP, Lucid) and on proof-like techniques (PROLOG, equational systems); merits of such approaches. Prerequisite: CS 50200. Typically offered Spring.
3.000 Credit hours Levels: Undergraduate, Graduate, Professional Schedule Types: Lecture Offered By: College of Science Department: Computer Science May be offered at any of the following campuses: West Lafayette Restrictions: Must be enrolled in one of the following Levels: Graduate Must be enrolled in one of the following Majors: Computer Science Short Title: Formal Compiling Mthds Course Configurations: