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Purdue Self-Service



Syllabus Information


Fall 2024
Nov 04, 2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
PHRM 82500 - Integrated Pharmacotherapy I
Associated Term: Fall 2024
Learning Outcomes: 1. Conceptual Competence: The student must demonstrate evidence-based knowledge of the following theoretical foundations of the profession and apply these to individual practice settings. Basic anatomy/physiology; Pathophysiology; Diagnostic methods and decision making; Principles of pharmacology; Relationship between chemical structure and biological activity; Delivery of drugs from various dosage forms; Pharmacotherapy; Drug interactions; Treatment guidelines. 2. Scientific Comprehension: The students must demonstrate comprehension of major scientific discoveries and use of the scientific method to make these discoveries. Basic principles of drug design and the chemical and biochemical mechanisms of drug action; The relevance of molecular biology, biochemistry, and pharmacogenomics and apply key principles of disease states and therapeutics. 3. Mathematical Competence: The students must be able to use mathematical variables to analyze physical, biological, and socioeconomic phenomena. Perform error-free mathematical calculations with regard to drug dosing and pharmacokinetics. 4. Integrative (Practice-related) Competence: The student must be able to meld theory and abilities in the practice setting to enhance positive patient outcomes. Provide patient-centered pharmaceutical care; Promote health improvement and disease prevention; critically evaluate patient data, literature sources, and drug products; provide specific, sound, cost effective, evidence-based drug and healthcare recommendations; design, implement, and evaluate patient specific pharmacotherapeutic regimens; select the proper drug, dose, and dosage form for a specific patient; design strategies to monitor patients’ drug regimens for therapeutic and toxic effects of medications; design strategies to avoid or manage drug interactions and adverse drug events; identify and implement strategies to encourage patient adherence to therapeutic interventions. 5. Critical Thinking and Decision Making Abilities: The student must examine issues rationally, logically, and coherently; and shall acquire, evaluate, and synthesize information and knowledge relevant to an identified problem; and make sound decisions in both familiar and unfamiliar context. Synthesize information in order to draw logical conclusions; provide evidence-based support for arguments, recommendations, and solutions; demonstrate the ability to make sound decisions given complex scenarios in a time-constrained environment.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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