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Purdue Self-Service



Syllabus Information


Summer 2024
May 19, 2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
FNR 37300 - Wildlife Practicum
Associated Term: Summer 2024
Learning Outcomes: 1. Able to identify the common birds seen and heard on the campus of Covenant Point and surrounding areas. 2. Able to set up mist nets, remove birds safely from the nets and take down and store the equipment properly. 3. Able to safely handle and measure birds, mark them with leg bands and record appropriate data. 4. Create and maintain a field notebook of their observations and activities during the week. 5. Able to lay out a small mammal trapping grid and properly place traps. 6. Able to remove small mammals from live traps, mark those animals, measure them for identification and release them. 7. Able to operate a telemetry to receiver to estimate the location of a radio collar via triangulation and use homing technique to find that transmitter. 8. Able to identify bat roosting habitat, use acoustic recorders to detect bats and use software to identify bat species from recorded calls. 9. Able to track small mammals using both spool and line and fluorescent powder techniques. 10. Able to develop a null hypothesis about habitat selection and use a chi square test for independence to accept or reject that null hypothesis. 11. Perform current techniques for sampling herpetofanua and macroinvertebrates. 12. Describe and perform herpetofanual marking techniques. 13. Identify anuran species by call. 14. Identify and dissect larval amphibians. 15. Identify macroinvertebrate species in lentic and lotic habitats. 16. Describe common diseases of amphibians.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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