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Purdue Self-Service



Syllabus Information


Spring 2024
May 01, 2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
ENTM 42820 - Carrion Ecology
Associated Term: Spring 2024
Learning Outcomes: 1. Explain the process of decomposition. 2. Describe and distinguish the stages of vertebrate decomposition, including when those stages begin and end and what variables define a given stage. 3. Describe and explain the abiotic factors that influence decomposition. 4. Describe and explain the biotic factors that influence decomposition. 5. Explain the nutrient flow through a carrion resource, including how various living organisms take advantage of such resources. 6. Experience carrion ecology field techniques. 7. Measure the abiotic factors that influence decomposition. 8. Measure the biotic factors that influence decomposition. 9. Evaluate a decomposition scene and strategize site data collection. 10. Identify the species the animals that frequent a carrion source. 11. Develop and implement a research project. 12. Plan, propose and defend a scientific research project related to carrion ecology. 13. Build a budget for a research project. 14. Build a collection strategy SOP for a research project. 15. Conduct a proposed research project. 16. Analyze the results of a research project. 17. Write-up, print and submit a research paper on your project, using the format for INSTARS or JPUR.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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