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Purdue Self-Service



Syllabus Information


Fall 2023
Sep 07, 2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
CE 27101 - Basic Mechanics I (Statics)
Associated Term: Fall 2023
Learning Outcomes: 1. Solve particle equilibrium problems in two dimensional space. 2. Solve particle equilibrium problems in three dimensional space. 3. Solve problems involving Moment of a force about a point or axis and problems involving couples of forces. 4. Solve rigid body equilibrium problems in two dimensional space. 5. Solve rigid body equilibrium problems in three dimensional space. 6. Determine the centroids and centers of gravity of two and three dimensional objects. 7. Analyze equivalent forces of distributed loads on beams. 8. Analyze trusses by the methods of joints and by the method of sections. 9. Draw shear-force and bending-moment diagrams in beams. 10. Analyze parabolic and catenary cables. 11. Solve engineering problems involving static and kinetic friction. 12. Determine the area and mass moments of inertia. 13. Solve equilibrium problems using Method of Virtual Work and Potential Energy Method.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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