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Purdue Self-Service



Syllabus Information


Fall 2015
May 12, 2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
CHM 33901 - Biochemistry Laboratory
Associated Term: Fall 2015
Learning Outcomes: 1. Demonstrate the ability to think and function as a scientist. 2. Develop an understanding of the scientific process. 3. Develop the ability to document scientific information and experimental data. 4. Demonstrate understanding of the process of scientific inquiry, and explain how scientific knowledge is discovered and validated. 5. Develop observational and interpretive skills through hands-on laboratory or field. 6. Demonstrate ability to measure with precision, accuracy, and safety. 7. Operate basic biochemistry laboratory instrumentation for scientific measurement. 8. Articulate scientific questions and hypotheses, design experiments, acquire data, perform data analysis, and present results in project-based research. 9. Apply knowledge of basic principles of chemistry and their applications to the understanding of biological systems. 10. Make quantitative/structural measurements and interpret results. 11. Demonstrate the ability to work on a team. 12. Demonstrate the ability to communicate well, both orally and in writing.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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