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Purdue Self-Service



Syllabus Information


Fall 2013
Jul 26, 2024
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Information Use this page to maintain syllabus information, learning objectives, required materials, and technical requirements for the course.

Syllabus Information
CLPH 45100 - Pharmacy Practical Training
Associated Term: Fall 2013
Learning Outcomes: 1. Ensure pharmacy students receive early exposure to the most common career paths taken by today's graduates and gain a first-hand perspective of pharmacists' responsibilities and activities in their roles. This contributes to a foundation for gaining appreciation of strategies for continually evolving patient care roles in practice. 2. Provide pharmacy students with early observation of pharmacists providing pharmacy services that particularly address the following Professional Program (Pharm.D.) Outcome Ability Goals: Integrative (Practice-related) Competence, Critical Thinking and Decision Making Abilities, Communication Skills and Abilities, Responsible Use of Professional Values and Ethical Principles, Social Awareness and Social Responsibility, Professional Abilities and Habits, and Group Interaction and Citizenship. See the "Student Handbook" for specific descriptions of the components of these outcome abilities. 3. Provide pharmacy students with early practice exposure that illustrates the reasons that pharmacists need in-depth learning of the basic and applied sciences and a commitment to lifelong learning for professional effectiveness. 4. Provide pharmacy students with experiences and learning in care-giving that is essential to evolving a patient-centered care role. 5. Contribute to pharmacy student development of a personal practice philosophy (professionalization) as well as a vision and motivation to become a positive practice change agent. 6. Broaden students' perspectives on career pathways and foster initiatives to enhance career planning.
Required Materials:
Technical Requirements:

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