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The following is a list of required and optional materials for this course. This information is subject to change.

Large Scale Data Analytics - 11987 - CS 44000 - Lecture

    OPTIONAL TEXTBOOK: ISBN: 9780078022159 -- Database System Concepts
    Author: Henry F. Korth,S. Sudarshan,Abraham Silberschatz, Professor
    Publisher: McGraw-Hill Education
    Edition/Year:7th / 2019

    OPTIONAL TEXTBOOK: ISBN: 9781108476348 -- Mining of Massive Data Sets
    Author: Jure Leskovec,Anand Rajaraman,Jeffrey David Ullman
    Publisher: Cambridge University Press

    OPTIONAL TEXTBOOK: ISBN: 9783030262532 -- Principles of Distributed Database Systems
    Author: M. Tamer Ozsu,Patrick Valduriez
    Publisher: Springer Nature

    OPTIONAL TEXTBOOK: ISBN: 9781491912218 -- Spark
    Author: Bill Chambers,Matei Zaharia
    Publisher: Not Specified

Note: One or more linked sections for this course has materials associated. Please review the linked section to get the materials for that section.

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