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Fall 2016
Oct 12, 2024
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Problem Solving And Object-Oriented Programming - 16989 - CS 18000 - G07

For this offering of CS 18000 you must enroll in schedule types:
Laboratory (LAB) Lecture (LEC)

CRN Sec Type Cred Cap Act Rem Days Time Dates Location Instructor Notes
Choose one of these Laboratory sections:
16989 G07 LAB 0 24 24 W 1:30-3:20pm Aug22-Dec10 HAAS G040 Sallam, AM Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
68869 BR8 LAB 0 Not available for web registration R 3:30-5:20pm Aug22-Dec10 HAAS G040 Ahmad, A Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID beginning with “BR” are restricted to CS Bridge students only.
16999 G01 LAB 0 22 23 R 1:30-3:20pm Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B158 Menikkumbura, DN Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10753 G02 LAB 0 21 22 F 1:30-3:20pm Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B146 Ahmad, A Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10694 G03 LAB 0 21 21 T 11:30-1:20pm Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B146 Jin, D Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10750 G04 LAB 0 21 21 R 11:30-1:20pm Aug22-Dec10 HAAS 257 Jin, D Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10711 G06 LAB 0 21 21 F 11:30-1:20pm Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B146 Jin, D Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10741 G08 LAB 0 20 20 T 3:30-5:20pm Aug22-Dec10 HAAS 257 Sallam, AM Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10722 LC2 LAB 0 Not available for web registration F 3:30-5:20pm Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B148 Hussain, S Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID beginning with “LC” are restricted to CS Learning Community students only.
    And choose one of these Lecture sections:
34295 GLD LEC 4 193 194 MWF 9:30-10:20am Aug22-Dec10 LILY 1105 Prabhakar, SK
Martino, LD
Evening Exams Required., Lab section IDs correspond to linked sections of CS 19000 Tools and CS 19100 Freshman seminar. Newly admitted CS-BS students must enroll in sections of all 3 courses with the same section ID as their CS 18000 lab. CS Learning Community members must enroll in sections beginning with “LC”, CS Bridge students must enroll in sections beginning “BR”, other newly admitted students must enroll in sections 801-814. Sections 816 and 817 are restricted to continuing CS-BS students. Supplemental Instruction (SI) study sessions are available for students in this course. Evening Exams Required.
You may also choose one of the other Laboratory sections:
Laboratory CS 18000 - 816 (CRN 10758)
Choose one of these Laboratory sections:
10758 816 LAB 0 12 12 W 3:30-5:20pm Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B146 Wei, Y Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 816-817 are restricted to continuing CS-BS students only. Newly admitted students may not enroll in these sections.
10706 817 LAB 0 18 19 F 9:30-11:20am Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B146 Ponnapu Reddy, C Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 816-817 are restricted to continuing CS-BS students only. Newly admitted students may not enroll in these sections.
68871 B09 LAB 0 23 22 1 T 3:30-5:20pm Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B148 Mukherjee, T Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10730 B10 LAB 0 20 20 W 11:30-1:20pm Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B158 Solaiman, K Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
68877 B11 LAB 0 20 19 1 R 11:30-1:20pm Aug22-Dec10 HAAS G040 Solaiman, K Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10770 B12 LAB 0 21 21 R 9:30-11:20am Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B158 Sun, Y Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10703 B13 LAB 0 20 20 R 3:30-5:20pm Aug22-Dec10 HAAS 257 Mukherjee, T Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
10716 B14 LAB 0 21 21 T 9:30-11:20am Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B148 Sun, Y Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID 801-814 are restricted to newly admitted CS-BS students
19291 LC1 LAB 0 Not available for web registration W 9:30-11:20am Aug22-Dec10 LWSN B148 Wei, Y Evening Exams Required.
16988 LC3 LAB 0 Not available for web registration T 9:30-11:20am Aug22-Dec10 HAAS G040 Zou, Y Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID beginning with “LC” are restricted to CS Learning Community students only.
10743 LC4 LAB 0 Not available for web registration T 11:30-1:20pm Aug22-Dec10 HAAS G040 Zou, Y Evening Exams Required., Labs with section ID beginning with “LC” are restricted to CS Learning Community students only.
    And choose one of these Lecture sections:
10687 BLK LEC 4 226 225 1 MWF 2:30-3:20pm Aug22-Dec10 PHYS 112 Dunsmore, HE
Martino, LD
Evening Exams Required., Lab section IDs correspond to linked sections of CS 19000 Tools and CS 19100 Freshman seminar. Newly admitted CS-BS students must enroll in sections of all 3 courses with the same section ID as their CS 18000 lab. CS Learning Community members must enroll in sections beginning with “LC”, CS Bridge students must enroll in sections beginning “BR”, other newly admitted students must enroll in sections 801-814. Sections 816 and 817 are restricted to continuing CS-BS students. Supplemental Instruction (SI) study sessions are available for students in this course. Evening Exams Required.

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